Products Править

The Boring Company has three basic product lines, each of which includes one or multiple 12-foot inner diameter tunnel(s), project engineering and planning documentation, and environmental review and permitting. The Boring Company has finite bandwidth, and will prioritize partnering with forward-looking cities, states and companies to make the technology as useful as possible. Contact for additional information.

Estimated project pricing can typically be provided within 1 week. Stay tuned for the Tunnel Price Calculator coming to this site soon, where the user can enter product line, location, geology type, and length, and the calculator will return a project price range maximum and minimum.

Loop Transportation System Править


Comprised of twin tunnels, stations, ventilation/exit shafts, Loop vehicles, and internal systems: lighting, communications, video, and fire/life safety.

Can accommodate passengers and/or cargo. See FAQ for Loop description

Conduit Tunnel Править


rovides convenient maintenance access to one or multiple utilities without surface disruption. Includes Water Tunnel and applicable internal systems.

Example use: 6’ water main plus multiple fiber optic cables

Water Tunnel Править


Self explanatory, but doesn’t have to be used for water. We bore the tunnel, and you do what you want with it!

Hat Править

The Boring Company Hat

Flamethrower Править